Petti: Developing a baseball package for R

From SABR member Bill Petti at The Hardball Times on February 11, 2016:

Late in 2015 I wrote a piece here at The Hardball Times that walked through some of my favorite R packages for gathering and analyzing baseball data. Like all things, no single package has everything I need, nor should it. Following that article, I started collecting various functions that I’ve written and routinely use and decided to compile them in a formal package that anyone can easily load and use.

I’ve never written an R package before, so this is partly an excuse for me to learn a new skill. That means the development of the package will be slow, and have its fair share of bumps along the way. I thought I would share some initial views of the kind of functions I plan to include.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: February 11, 2016. Last Updated: February 11, 2016.
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