Pre-Integration Era Committee elects no one to Baseball Hall of Fame in 2016

No candidates were elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame by the Pre-Integration Era Committee this week.

Baseball pioneer Doc Adams received votes on 10 of the 16 ballots for a percentage of 62.5, while 19th-century players Bill Dahlen and Harry Stovey each received votes on eight of the 16 ballots (50 percent). To earn election, candidates needed to be named on at least 75 percent of all ballots cast.

All three of the top vote-getters were selected as SABR Overlooked 19th Century Base Ball Legends in recent years, with Adams voted as the Overlooked Legend for 2014; Dahlen in 2012 and Stovey in 2011. SABR’s Overlooked Legend in 2010, Deacon White, was elected to the Hall of Fame in 2013 by the Pre-Integration Era Committee.

The 2016 ballot featured six former players, three executives, and one of baseball’s earliest organizers. The other finalists — Sam Breadon, Wes Ferrell, Garry Herrmann, Marty Marion, Frank McCormick, Chris von der Ahe, and Bucky Walters — received three or fewer votes from the Pre-Integration Era Committee.

The 16-person voting committee included SABR members Pat Gillick, Steve Hirdt, Gary Hughes, Peter Morris, Tal Smith, and Tim Wendel, along with Hall of Famers Bert Blyleven, Bobby Cox, and Phil Niekro; major league executives Chuck Armstrong and Bill DeWitt; and veteran media members Jack O’Connell, Claire Smith, Tim Sullivan, T.R. Sullivan, and Gary Thorne.

Hall of Fame Weekend 2016 will be held July 22-25 in Cooperstown, N.Y., with the Induction Ceremony scheduled for Sunday, July 24. The BBWAA election results will be announced on Wednesday, January 6.

Originally published: December 7, 2015. Last Updated: December 7, 2015.