Rangers’ Levine Inherited Love of Game From His Father
From Adam Kilgore at The Washington Post on October 17, 2011, on SABR member Michael Levine:
Looking back, Thad Levine savors the car rides as much as the games. From the time his son was a toddler, Michael Levine drove him from their home in Alexandria to Memorial Stadium every Sunday the Baltimore Orioles played. They passed time talking baseball — the manager’s decisions, which trades their beloved Orioles should make. Baseball became a dual fixation and their strongest connection.
These days, Michael and Thad Levine have the same bond and a different team to obsess over. From his home in Old Town, Michael stays up late every night to watch the Texas Rangers. He text-messages his son observations and questions about the Rangers, which Thad Levine receives as he sits in the front-office’s suite, his perch as the Rangers’ assistant general manager.
“He makes three to five trade recommendations a week,” Levine said last week, only half-joking. “They’re not all jewels, but some of them have legs. I just never let him know that he may have been the impetus for us kicking the tires on someone.”
Levine, who attended T.C. Williams, has played an integral role in the Rangers’ consecutive World Series appearances as the top lieutenant to General Manager Jon Daniels for the past six seasons. And he has become a leading candidate to become a future general manager.
Read the full article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/texas-rangers-assistant-gm-thad-levine-inherited-his-love-of-the-game-from-his-father-in-alexandria/2011/10/17/gIQALBbhsL_story.html
Originally published: October 20, 2011. Last Updated: October 20, 2011.