Remington: Ronald Acuna is Braves’ last, best, and only hope

From Alex Remington at The Hardball Times on November 27, 2017:

For a team with as much recent success as the Braves have had, it’s hard to come to terms with their current predicament — stripped of a dozen prospects, severely capped in international spending, with their recently-fired GM John Coppolella banned for life from baseball.

Yet here’s what the Braves have done during my lifetime:

  • 1984-1990, ages 1-6: 459-659, .416, near-permanent cellar-dwellers
  • 1991-2005, ages 7-21: 1431-931, .606, five league championships, one world championship, fourteen consecutive division-winning playoff appearances
  • 2006-2011, ages 22-27: 501-471, .515, a single wild-card finish, a first-round exit, and bunch of middling-to-bad finishes
  • 2012-2013, ages 28-29: 190-134, .586, a division championship, a wild card, and two first-round exits
  • 2014-2017, ages 30-33: 286-361, .442, in the cellar and rebuilding.

Just like a few years ago, when the team trashed Frank Wren on his way out, it is clear that the team is in profound disarray and officials are eager to display their bitter contempt for the man they believe put them there.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: November 27, 2017. Last Updated: November 27, 2017.
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