SABR accepting nominations for writing awards

SABR accepting nominations for McFarland-SABR award, The Sporting News-SABR award and Seymour Medal.

CLICK HERE to download a nominating petition for the McFarland or Sporting News Awards.

The Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) is now taking nominations for the best baseball books and articles published during 2010. Information on The McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award, The Sporting News-SABR Baseball Research Award, and the Seymour Medal is below. The nominating petition for the McFarland and Sporting News Awards can be downloaded here. Please note that the submission process varies depending on the award and follow the guidelines as they are stated. SABR is not responsible for entries that are submitted to the incorrect address.

McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award

The McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award honors the author(s) of the best articles or papers, published or unpublished, on baseball history or biography completed during the preceding calendar year. Eligible works include magazine and journal articles, previously unpublished chapters or articles in anthologies or other books with multiple authors, and unpublished research papers and written versions of oral presentations. Authors honored for unpublished work may not later receive an award for that work (or work that is substantially the same) in published form. Each award shall consist of a cash prize of $200, to be provided by McFarland & Company. Awards to projects involving more than one individual must be shared. At least one, but not more than three McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Awards shall be given each year. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may win the award, but it must be awarded each time for a wholly new work.

Nominations on behalf of others or self-nominations are equally acceptable. Nominees need not be members of SABR to be eligible for the award. The nominating petition is intended for confidential use and information of the awards committee only. Nominations for the 2011 awards must be received at the address shown below no later than midnight, February 15, 2011. Please send five (5) copies of the nominating petition and the nominated material to: Len Levin, 282 Doyle Ave, Providence, RI 02906-3355.

The Sporting News-SABR Baseball Research Award

The Sporting News-SABR Baseball Research Award honors outstanding research projects completed during the preceding calendar year. Eligible projects must be the product of original research or analysis, must significantly advance our knowledge of baseball, and must be characterized by factual accuracy and notable insight. Eligible projects include but are not limited to research in statistics, statistical analysis and statistical compilation and such diverse areas as advertising, architecture, bibliography, collectibles, economics, equipment, labor relations, and technology. Each award shall consist of a cash prize of $200, to be provided by the Sporting News. Awards to projects involving more than one individual must be shared. Research projects may be of any length and, if published, may be published separately or as part of a larger work. Researchers honored for unpublished work may not later receive an award for that work (or similar work) in published form. At least one but not more than three Sporting News-SABR Baseball Research Awards shall be given each year. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may win the award, but it must be awarded each time for a wholly new work.

Nominations on behalf of others or self-nominations are equally acceptable. Nominees need not be members of SABR to be eligible for the award. The nominating petition is intended for confidential use and information of the awards committee only. Nominations for the 2010 awards must be received at the address shown below no later than midnight, February 1, 2011. Please complete the nominating petition and five (5) copies of the nominated material and return it to: SABR, 812 Huron Rd. E #719, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.

The Seymour Medal

The Seymour Medal recognizes the author(s) of the best book of baseball history or biography published during the preceding calendar year. The winning book shall significantly advance our knowledge of baseball and shall be characterized by understanding, factual accuracy, profound insight, and distinguished writing. Eligible works must be the product of original research or analysis.

“History,” for the purposes of eligibility for Seymour Medal consideration, shall be understood as analytical nonfiction narrative. Among the kinds of works that do not meet the criteria are encyclopedias, novels, short story collections, statistical compilations, collections of documents, personal reminiscence, interviews, simple chronicles of events, edited works, and works by multiple authors (as distinguished from works by co-authors). “Biography” is the history of a person or persons. Single volumes or multi-volume works are eligible. Multi-volume works as a whole are also eligible if at least one of the volumes was published during the preceding calendar year and if the author has not received a medal for any of the works separately. No more than one Seymour Medal shall be given each year. If, in the judgment of the award committee, a worthy candidate cannot be found, the medal shall not be awarded. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may win the award, but it must be awarded each time for a wholly new work.

The Executive Director solicits candidates for the award from publishers. The three-member judging committee assists in recommending books for review. Recommendations by SABR members will be welcomed; they will be reviewed by the award committee, and if any committee member determines that the book qualifies for medal competition, it shall be added to the list of books to be judged, and review copies shall be requested.

One copy of each nominated book should be sent to each member of the Judging Committee by January 31, 2011: 

Peter Buckingham, 16679 NW Baker Creek Rd., McMinnville, OR 97128-8009;

John Burbridge, 405 Turnberry Dr, Mebane, NC 27302-7123

Dick Beverage, 420 Robinson Cir, Placentia, CA 92870-1518

Originally published: October 12, 2010. Last Updated: October 12, 2010.