SABR chapters honored for exceptional performance in 2022-23

SABR logoAt the SABR 51 Awards Luncheon in Chicago, SABR CEO Scott Bush recognized five regional chapters whose performance in the past year exceeded SABR’s standards in the past year.

Under the guidance of SABR Chapter Liaison Pete Cottrell, SABR’s 85 chapters began working last year to further improve their operations by prescribing guidelines for governance, recruitment, research projects, and more.

Minnesota’s Halsey Hall Chapter was recognized as SABR’s MVP chapter of 2022-23, and they will receive a $500 cash prize for their efforts.

The chapters that were honored as All-Star chapters in the past year were:

Each of the All-Star chapters will receive a $250 cash prize. To learn more about SABR chapters, or to sign up for email announcements from any chapter, visit

Originally published: July 13, 2023. Last Updated: July 13, 2023.