SABR member Charles Leerhsen wins 2015 CASEY Award

From Spitball Magazine on January 22, 2016, with mention of SABR member Charles Leerhsen:

Spitball is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2015 CASEY Award for Best Baseball Book of the Year is Charles Leerhsen and Simon & Schuster for Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty. Leerhsen won baseball literature’s top prize in one of the closest and most hotly contested CASEY races in history by scoring a first place vote, a second place vote, and a fourth place vote for a total score of seven points (lowest score wins). Judge Dennis Snelling had this to say about the book: “Charles Leerhsen’s incredible research and outstanding writing allows us to get beyond the tired and false caricature that Ty Cobb has become. An outstanding biography that dispels myths, turns history on its head, and allows for a greater appreciation of this all-time great player.” Judge Brian Baughan added: “With this biography, Leerhsen deftly sets the facts straight about Ty Cobb, without sacrificing hard truths. But there’s much more here. In investigating the stubborn myths about Cobb the icon, the book raises essential questions about the heroes and villains of baseball and the stories we choose to tell about them.” Spitball Magazine Editor Mike Shannon said that Leerhsen’s win is all the more impressive given the stiff competition the book faced. “2015 was an exceptionally good year for baseball books, and the field of CASEY Award Finalists was packed with formidable contenders. The fact that Ty Cobb is not exactly a new subject is a testament to the extremely high quality of Mr. Leerhsen’s efforts; and the Judges, who faced a very daunting task, are to be commended for recognizing the achievement of Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty.

The 33rd annual CASEY Awards Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, March 13, at 2:00 pm and will be held at Crosley’s Sports Bar & Eatery (513-242-3311) at 4901 Vine Street in St. Bernard, Ohio (a suburb of Cincinnati, OH). The Banquet is open to the public, and tickets may be purchased at the door for $10. Spitball congratulates Charles Leerhsen, who will receive his specially made and engraved blue & gold Louisville Slugger CASEY Award baseball bat at the Banquet, and his publisher, Simon & Schuster; as well as the other authors and publishers who received Finalist Nominations. The Magazine also thanks the Judges of the 2015 CASEY (Brian Baughan, Dan Neville, and Dennis Snelling) for a job well done.

Read the full article here at

Originally published: January 26, 2016. Last Updated: January 26, 2016.
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