SABR member LeMoine hits home run with new book on Boston Red Stockings
From San Jose State University on May 17, 2017, with mention of SABR member Bob LeMoine:
A San José State University School of Information alumnus has published a book on the history of the Boston Red Stockings, the early incarnation of the Boston Braves and Red Sox.
It seemed natural for Bob LeMoine, a fan of baseball since childhood, to combine his love for the sport with the education he received at the SJSU School of Information to edit and contribute articles to Boston’s First Nine: The 1871-75 Boston Red Stockings.
“I remember my uncle’s gift of the ‘Ultimate Baseball Book’ with images and text telling the story of baseball history,” LeMoine said. “I read through that book over and over. But it wasn’t until a few years ago when I started doing baseball writing and researching on a more serious level.”
LeMoine is a member the Society for American Baseball Research, a nonprofit organization made up of thousands of members who research and write about the sport. The term “sabermetrics” is the use of statistical analysis to determine player values, he said, and is derived from the SABR acronym.
Read the full article here:
Originally published: May 17, 2017. Last Updated: May 17, 2017.