SABR’s Project COBB releases “This Diamond Isle” compilation on British baseball

Project COBB, a SABR Chartered Community, has released “This Diamond Isle,” an anthology of new writing on baseball and its links to Britain.

“This Diamond Isle, Vol. 1,” edited by Joe Gray, includes articles by SABR members David Block, Josh Chetwynd, Aspi Dimitrove, Ryan Ferguson, Gray, Chris Jones, Harvey Sahker, and Matt Smith. Subjects range from a review of British baseball fields and the 1988 national championship to author Jane Austen’s contribution to baseball literature and how to watch MLB games at a convenient hour in the United Kingdom. 

“This Diamond Isle” can be downloaded for free by clicking on the PDF link here.

Project COBB — The Project for the Chronicling of British Baseball — is an online collaboration coordinated by British Baseball Federation life member Joe Gray, who founded the organization in 2008. The SABR Board of Directors approved Project COBB as a Chartered Community in 2010.

For more information or to submit an article for the next volume of “This Diamond Isle,” visit or contact Joe Gray at


Originally published: April 11, 2014. Last Updated: April 11, 2014.