Sarris: MLB moving from Trackman to Hawk-Eye tracking system

From SABR member Eno Sarris at The Athletic on May 14, 2019:

Five years after it was installed in an effort to measure the previously unmeasurable, radar-based player- and ball-tracking system Trackman looks like it’s on its way out as the technology of choice for Major League Baseball. Multiple sources inside front offices across the league confirm that Hawk-Eye’s optical technology — known to tennis fans as the basis of the automated serve tracking system — is currently being installed in baseball stadiums across the country for a two-month run-up that should end in a full change in technology for the 2020 season.

MLB offered no comment on the scope of the upcoming deal with Hawk-Eye. Hawk-Eye and Trackman representatives had not responded to requests for comment at the time of publication.

Multiple sources cited an improvement in accuracy as the main reason for the change.

Read the full article here (subscription required):

Originally published: May 17, 2019. Last Updated: May 17, 2019.
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