Sauceda: Fort Concho drives home fun, history of vintage baseball

From Adam Sauceda at the San Angelo Standard-Times on April 16, 2016:

Fort Concho treated visitors to a history of America’s favorite pastime Saturday, along with a vintage baseball game and several presentations by the West Texas Society of American Baseball Research and Texas Vintage Baseball Association.

Participants got to hit the ball, learn about baseball rules of various eras and hear programs about religion and baseball, the history of umpiring, baseball in literature and other related topics, said Cory Robinson, fort curator.

“This is a good opportunity for people to come out and learn about the history of baseball from vintage times to early to mid-20th century,” Robinson said. “The membership of the (SABR) chapter has been a little low, so we’re trying to pump that up to get people to figure out that we’ve got this program here at Fort Concho.”

Robinson said anyone with any skill level can play free of charge on Fort Concho’s vintage team, which travels around the state playing other teams.

“We just ask that you’re breathing and able to run a little bit. You don’t have to be a high skill level because the game we play is very even in skill,” Robinson said. “You can have a 9-year-old and a 90-year-old playing on the same team, and it has happened.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 18, 2016. Last Updated: April 18, 2016.
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