Seeking donations for new SABR book on Deadball Era World Series

Under the auspices of SABR’s Deadball Era Committee, Steve Steinberg and Tom Simon are editing a book on the World Series of the Deadball Era. The drama of the national pastime during that bygone time is captured through the photographs and words of the men who reported the drama for the nation’s newspapers, when they were the only medium around. Sportswriters of the time wrote with a lyrical prose, more descriptive than newspaper accounts of the past 50 years.

Never before has the story of the early World Series been told in their words, accompanied by terrific visual images — many of them rare and not seen for years — in this book. Together through the lens and pens of yesteryear, the reader gets an intimate view of baseball’s championships of the early 20th century.

This book will be published in the spring of 2017 by St. Johann Press, a small, quality New Jersey publisher that has done a number of niche sports books. Members of the Deadball Era Committee have served as editors of individual World Series chapters; they have chosen vivid accounts that take the reader back in time. Around 200 evocative high-quality photos, drawn from public archives and private collectors, will accompany the text.

Because the approval of this book predates the establishment of the SABR Digital Library publishing program, and because it will include so many high-quality photos from different sources, we are seeking contributions to help cover the excess cost over a typical SABR team book.

If you want to help: Checks can be made out to SABR and mailed to Steve Steinberg at the address below:

Steve Steinberg
Orcas Business Park
5700 Sixth Ave. South #214
Seattle, WA 98108

SABR is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consider making a donation before December 31; we would like to have the fundraising completed by March 31, 2016.

If you donate $100 or more, you will get a free copy of the book, and if you are a major contributor of $200 or more, your name will be mentioned in the book as a Deadball Era Defender. All donations, no matter how small, will make a difference and be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve at Thank you.

— John McMurray
Chair, SABR Deadball Era Committee

Originally published: November 30, 2015. Last Updated: November 30, 2015.
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