Seven baseball projects to receive SABR Local Grants in 2022 

SABR logoFEBRUARY 25, 2022 — SABR is pleased to announce the recipients of Local Grants in 2022:

  • Central Florida Chapter (Tampa, FL)
    Kelly Field Historical Marker

    Marking the ballpark site in Daytona Beach, Florida, where Jackie Robinson and Johnny Wright integrated spring training with the Montreal Royals in 1946.
  • Cliff Kachline Chapter (Cooperstown, NY)
    Glovers Park Historical Exhibit

    Creation of a historical exhibit commemorating baseball in upstate New York, at the site of the former minor-league ballpark in Gloversville that served as a home to professional baseball dating back to 1895.
  • Forbes Field Chapter (Pittsburgh, PA)
    Three Rivers Stadium Second Base Marker

    Part of a broader project recognizing Pittsburgh’s sports history, a stainless steel marker will be installed at the site of Three Rivers Stadium, marking the spot where Roberto Clemente’s 3,000th and final hit occurred in 1972.
  • Halsey Hall Chapter (Minneapolis, MN)
    Minnesota History Day Award

    Honoring the best baseball-related presentation by middle or high school students at the Minnesota History Day competition.
  • Jack Graney Chapter (Cleveland, OH)
    Capturing and Visiting Cleveland’s Baseball History

    Creation of a database and tour materials to mark historic baseball sites and landmarks in Cleveland related to the Guardians, Buckeyes, Forest Citys, and other teams.
  • Rickwood Field Chapter (Birmingham, AL)
    Rickwood Field Outfield Wall Repainting

    Repainting the public display at historic Rickwood Field that honors championships won by the Birmingham Barons, Black Barons, and Athletics.
  • Southern Michigan Chapter (Detroit, MI)
    Southern Michigan Baseball Passport

    Creation of a booklet and website marking historic baseball sites around southern Michigan, including Tiger Stadium, Hamtramck Stadium, Mack Park, Lawrence Park, Bailey Park, Valley Field, South High School Field, and Eden Springs Park.

The SABR Local Grants program provides an opportunity for chapters, research committees, and chartered communities to apply for funding for their projects under SABR’s Four Pillars: Research, Scholarship, Preservation, and Future of the Game. In total, more than $10,000 in SABR Local Grants will be awarded in 2022.

“It is inspiring to see the energy and ideas brought forth by our chapters and research committees,” SABR CEO Scott Bush said. “While we were not able to fund each project that was submitted this year, it is clear that our members want to expand their engagement with their local communities. We will find ways to increase Local Grants funding in future years.”

All SABR chapters, chartered communities, and research committees are eligible to apply for future Local Grants. More details on the 2023 grant cycle will be announced soon. If you have an individual idea for a program grant, please follow up with your local chapter leadership or appropriate research committee to discuss an application.

To learn more, visit

Originally published: February 25, 2022. Last Updated: April 28, 2023.
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