Studeman: A new classic in sabermetric literature

From SABR member Dave Studeman at The Hardball Times on October 4, 2017, on SABR member Jim Albert:

Jim Albert has a new book out. Released on Sept. 17 from CRC Press, it’s called Visualizing Baseball, and it’s a treat.

Albert is well known in the sabermetric world. He’s a math and statistics professor at Bowling Green, and his previous publications include Teaching Statistics Using Baseball, Curve Ball (co-written with Jay Bennett), and Analyzing Baseball with R (co-written by Hardball Times alum Max Marchi).

Curve Ball is a particular favorite of mine. Its subtitle is Baseball Statistics and the Role of Chance in the Game, and I often recommend it to people looking for a beginning sabermetric text. It not only lucidly describes probability and chance in the national pastime, its chapters comprise a basic history of sabermetrics and key underlying concepts. Curve Ball was published in 2001, so it doesn’t include the latest advances in data and analyses.


Read the full article here:

Originally published: October 4, 2017. Last Updated: October 4, 2017.
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