Submit your entries for 2016 Women on the Diamond art competition

SABR’s Women in Baseball Research Committee is teaming up with the International Women’s Baseball Center to sponsor the 2016 Women on the Diamond art competition.

The winning entry and runner-up in each category, professional and amateur, will have their art displayed during the third annual Women’s Baseball Symposium in September 2016 at the Louisville Slugger Museum in Louisville, Kentucky. The winning entry in the professional and amateur category will also receive a $200 prize. Photos of the winning entries and runners-up will also be included in an upcoming issue of SABR’s Women in Baseball newsletter.

Deadline for all entries to be received is May 23, 2016. Entry fee: $30 (includes up to three entires per category); make all checks out to “International Women’s Baseball Center.” JPG images may be e-mailed to or photocopies/entry fees mailed to: Dr. Leslie Heaphy, Kent State University at Stark, 6000 Frank Rd., No. Canton, OH 44720. For sculptural works, multiple pictures in jpeg format may be entered. All entries must be “by the hand of the artist.” For complete criteria, click here to download the application form.

A Youth Art Contest is also being held, with an entry fee of $10. The winner will receive a $150 prize. All schools that enter students will have their name placed in a drawing and two winners will be chosen. The winning schools will each receive $250 worth of age-appropriate books about women’s baseball for their libraries. Click here to download the Youth Art Contest application form.

Judges include graphic designers and artists Miranda Bowman, Gary Cieradkowski, James Fiorentino, and Debbie Sampson.

For more information on the Women in Baseball Research Committee, click here.

Originally published: April 12, 2016. Last Updated: April 12, 2016.
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