Ten Things About Buckner’s Boot

From SABR member Mark Simon at ESPN.com on October 25, 2011:

Today is the anniversary of one of the most memorable moments in baseball history: Mookie Wilson’s ground ball through Bill Buckner’s legs to cap an amazing rally in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series.

This moment has been replayed so many times, with Buckner as the focal point. We’re glad to see he can make light of it on a show like “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on which he recently guest-starred.

However, there are some things about Buckner’s career, both good and bad, that are often forgotten as a result.


1. Bill Buckner made his major league debut for the Dodgers on Sept. 21, 1969. He pinch-hit in the ninth inning and popped out.

What was prominent about that game? The Giants beat the Dodgers that day, 4-3 in walkoff fashion. The game ended on a ground ball to shortstop Maury Wills. And it went through his legs for a game-ending error. How’s that for career foreshadowing?


4. Buckner was a footnote to another moment in history. He was the Dodgers left fielder who climbed the fence to try to catch Hank Aaron’s record-breaking 715th home run on April 8, 1974.

Read the full article here: http://espn.go.com/blog/sweetspot/post/_/id/18061/crazy-86-10-things-about-buckners-boot

Originally published: October 26, 2011. Last Updated: October 26, 2011.
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