The Great Red Sox Collapse, In 140 Characters Or Less

From SABR member Jeff Polman at Huffington Post on September 29, 2011:

As a lifelong Red Sox fan, their swan dive from the top of the American League East in 1978 is still the most devastating baseball event for me. They recovered beautifully in the final week, winning their last eight games to tie New York on the final day, so when they narrowly lost the one-game Bucky Dent tiebreaker 24 hours later, it felt like they would never win. This year’s historic meltdown may have been more statistically horrendous on many levels, but with Boston having gone all the way in ’04 and ’07, the emotional letdown hasn’t been nearly as severe.

I’ve been tweeting about them all season at @braggers41, and rather than try and make endless sense out of something that makes almost none, I thought I would just recount the final month of the disgrace with a chronological collection of some of my selected tweets. Some of these are downright prophetic, and you can look them up on my timeline if you don’t believe they’re real.

The last time Boston looked like a playoff team was the last week of August in Texas. I was family camping in Lake Tahoe, and unfortunately missed Adrian Gonzalez and the Sox going ballistic at Arlington Stadium. Little did I or anyone else know…

Read the full article here:

Originally published: October 3, 2011. Last Updated: October 3, 2011.