Thorn: Cobb and Speaker and Landis, closing the books

From SABR member John Thorn at The Diary of Myles Thomas on May 17, 2016:

As we read about Myles Thomas and the ’27 Yankees playing the Detroit Tigers without Ty Cobb—and the Philadelphia Athletics with Cobb in an A’s Uniform—it’s quite likely that more than a few will be wondering, “Why was Ty Cobb, the face of the Tigers franchise for 22 years, suddenly in 1927 playing for Connie Mack’s A’s?”

The answer to that question begins almost a decade before.

In the wake of the Black Sox Scandal of 1919, baseball replaced its three-man National Commission with a single Commissioner, Federal Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. The new commissioner meted out swift and certain justice to the Chicago White Sox players on March 13, 1921—the day before they were to appear in court.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: May 20, 2016. Last Updated: May 20, 2016.
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