Thorn: Deadball days: Larry Ritter was inspiration to love this era

From SABR member John Thorn at Our Game on August 2, 2018:

For me, the period surrounding the turn of the twentieth century was the romantic era of the game, to which I first attached my research interest. “The best part of baseball today,” Larry Ritter, author of The Glory of Their Times, was fond of saying, “is its yesterdays.” I think that of all our sports — and I love them all — only baseball has this strong undertow of the past. It may seem that in our rapidly changing lives, baseball is the one constant: the unchanging game that connects us with past generations in our own families … and with our former selves, when we were young.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: August 2, 2018. Last Updated: August 2, 2018.