Tourtellotte: Radio Days: A treasure trove of old-time baseball

From SABR member Shane Tourtellotte at The Hardball Times on March 7, 2018:

The traditional crutch for American baseball fans is the Hot Stove. While it had an intriguing start this offseason with the Shohei Ohtani sweepstakes, since then there has been much more talk about what hasn’t been happening (and why) than about what has. This may be adequate for commentators but for few others.

If looking toward the future is unsatisfying, there’s the past. There are DVD collections of famous baseball games one can plunge into, and I’ve done that in the past. There is an even bigger collection of old games at the MLBClassics channel of YouTube, and I have made use of that in years past as well.

This winter, however, I turned the dial in another direction.

Several years ago, I found a modest collection of old radio baseball broadcasts at the Internet Archive. I downloaded a couple, headlined by the 1949 Yankees-Red Sox regular-season finale that decided the pennant race between them. Despite its technical problems (some short stretches were missing, filled in with voice-over on lost results), it was a fascinating keyhole view into the game–and the radio coverage–of two-thirds of a century ago.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: March 8, 2018. Last Updated: March 8, 2018.
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