Tusa: Antonio Armas Sr.’s finest game

From SABR member Alfonso Tusa at The Hardball Times on June 25, 2019:

Just at the entrance of callejón El Alacrán, before the brightly-colored walls wound off deeper into the city of Sucre, stood a big maroon door. As Pedrito and Ramón approached, they could already hear the voice coming from behind it — a voice strangely familiar, challenging, as though it had come from decades past.

“Today, the topic of discussion will dwell on the most impressive performance Antonio Armas Sr. had in a single game in Major League Baseball,” the voice said.

“Ramón,” Pedrito asked as they drew nearer. “Do you remember the Juvenile National Baseball Championship they played at Cumaná in August of 1970?”

Read the full article here: https://tht.fangraphs.com/antonio-armas-sr-s-finest-game/

Originally published: July 4, 2019. Last Updated: July 4, 2019.
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