Tusa: Seven baseball stories for a winter’s day

From SABR member Alfonso Tusa at The Hardball Times on January 16, 2019:

In winter, when we’re still waiting for spring training to start and box scores to appear again, it’s nice to sit back and think about old stories, even if they might not be true. Maybe especially then. One of the most celebrated baseball tales happened in the Baltimore Orioles dugout in the late 1970s. It was Earl Weaver’s platoon team. One of those players Weaver alternated in the outfield was Harold Patrick (Pat) Kelly a colorful character who had played for several of major league teams. He even upset rookie Vida Blue by breaking his no-hitter in the eighth inning of a game the Oakland A’s won 3-0 on September 11, 1970.He had a very difficult time in 1975, struggling with drugs and liquor. Then he accepted Clyde White’s invitation to a Bible class, and saved himself by becoming an evangelist. His Chicago White Sox started to call him “The Rev.”

Read the full article here: https://tht.fangraphs.com/seven-stories-for-a-winters-day/

Originally published: January 17, 2019. Last Updated: January 17, 2019.
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