Ty Cobb, from Half Moon Bay to Boston
From Stacy Trevenon at the Half Moon Bay Review on August 31, 2012, on SABR member Norm Coleman:
Half Moon Bay resident Norm Coleman put his love of the stage, love of baseball, and skills as an actor and playwright all together into a one-man show, developed it into a two-man show and now is taking it on the road.
Coleman, 76, created “The Greatest Player that Ever Played the Game,” a one-man show about the life of Detroit Tigers player Ty Cobb. He’s performed it before viewers including the Tigers themselves in Lakeland, Fla., patrons of the President Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich. and others.
Now he has a new two-man show, “A Tale of Greatness,” in which he takes a literary swing at Babe Ruth along with Ty Cobb. Playing Cobb, with partner Steve Folven, he’s taking the new show on the road again this week, playing for Rotary clubs over four days in six cities in the Boston area.
The new show spotlights two baseball legends, extreme competitors who loathed each other on the ball field. But taking poetic license, Coleman portrays them as mature, wise, good friends off the diamond, talking about the game they love, sharing anecdotes of players they liked or disliked, dissing each other and remembering baseball of old.
Read the full article here: http://www.hmbreview.com/arts_and_entertainment/ty-cobb-from-half-moon-bay-to-boston/article_49a31ee4-f39d-11e1-bd5c-001a4bcf887a.html
Related link: For more information about Norm Coleman’s show, visit his website at www.tycobb367.com.
Originally published: September 4, 2012. Last Updated: September 4, 2012.