Vaccaro: How John Fogerty’s baseball passion became the song you can’t escape

From Mike Vaccaro at the New York Post on March 21, 2018:

Here is a guarantee for you: The next time you go to a baseball game, you will hear “Centerfield.” Citi Field, Yogi Berra Stadium in Little Falls, N.J., any American Legion game or high school game were they to have a public address system and access to music. There is no greater lock in life. You will hear it. At least once.

You might not get the whole tune, but you’ll probably at least get the infectious guitar lick that opens the song. And short of that, you’re certain to get the catchy hand-clap intro that leads into that riff.

“I would take my kids to their Little League games,” Fogerty says, laughing, “and sure enough, somewhere, on one of the other fields if not that one, you’d hear it. That was always pretty funny.”

Read the full article here:

Originally published: March 21, 2018. Last Updated: March 21, 2018.
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