Video: Watch “Numbers in Sports” workshop with SABR’s Marc Appleman

From Katherine Fitzgerald at on June 17, 2016, with SABR CEO Marc Appleman:

Some sports numbers are obvious: the final score, each team’s record. But as sports reporting and sports business reporting are on the rise, fans are looking for more stories than ever before. With more stories come more numbers.

Brett Kurland, director of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication’s Phoenix Sports Bureau moderated a panel during Reynolds Week 2016 that discussed the numbers in sports, and how journalists can use these numbers to find new angles in their reporting. Marc Appleman of the Society for American Baseball Research, Dash Davidson of Tableau and Craig Harris of the Arizona Republic all shared their insights on new ways to incorporate data into sports stories.

Watch the full video here or click play below:

Originally published: June 20, 2016. Last Updated: June 20, 2016.
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