Weisman: Baseball has its day in the son

From Jon Weisman at Dodger Thoughts on July 21, 2018:

This marks my 16th summer of being a dad and my 11th with three kids in the posse. Despite my love of the game, the complete lack of interest from any of my descendants in watching baseball has been a defining aspect of my parenthood, leading me to firmly give up on the prospect of it ever happening. 

I’ve tried the hard sell, but mostly the soft or non-sell. It was not something I’ve wanted to force them into. Stacked against the potential joy of watching baseball is, after all, the hours upon hours of time wasted watching baseball.

My job working for the Dodgers, a job that gave them behind-the-scenes access at Dodger Stadium, that let them learn a proper handshake from Tommy Lasorda, that let them gaze upon the Independence Day fireworks in general mingle with the kids of A.J. Ellis and Scott Van Slyke, that led to my sons appearing in a Yasiel Puig commercial and my daughter singing the national anthem on the field with her middle school choir on my dad’s 80th birthday, moved my children not at all.

Read the full article here: https://www.dodgerthoughts.com/2018/07/21/baseball-has-its-day-in-the-son/

Originally published: July 23, 2018. Last Updated: July 23, 2018.
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