When World Series-winning Managers Depart

From SABR member Chris Jaffe at The Hardball Times on October 3, 2011:

It was a rough week for managers who won a World Series title in the 21st century. Three skippers—Jack McKeon, Ozzie Guillen, and Terry Francona—who between them have won four of the last eight world titles, all left the teams with which they won it all.

Granted, none of them was fired exactly. McKeon stepped down voluntarily. Guillen initiated his departure from the White Sox. With Francona, it sounds like his parting from the Red Sox was a mutual decision between the front office and him.

Still, it’s rather unusual to see so many leave at once. Let’s delve a little deeper into this.

Let’s leave Jack McKeon aside for a second. Yes, he stepped down, but he also stepped down in 2005, and that ended the tenure that delivered a world title to the Marlins. Last week ended the title-winning tenures for Guillen and Francona.

As it happens, this week was the ninth time in history multiple title-winning managerial tenures ended in the same offseason. Twice, three such mangers lost their jobs in the same offseason, though both instances occurred long time ago.

Read the full article here: http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/when-champion-managers-depart/

Originally published: October 6, 2011. Last Updated: October 6, 2011.