Whirty: The lowdown on Rap Dixon

From SABR member Ryan Whirty at Home Plate Don’t Move on December 3, 2014:

This one’s for my buddy, Malloy Conference roomie and Harrisburg boy Ted Knorr, who possesses a singular devotion for two things: teaching people about the heritage of African-American baseball in his hometown, and getting outfielder Herbert “Rap” Dixon in the Hall of Fame.

Now, coinciding with that is the fact that I’m just wrapping up a story for Pennsylvania Magazine about the Negro Leagues in the Keystone State. So, naturally, I cyber-interviewed Ted for the story — the first draft of which stands at about 3,400 words — about his love of Harrisburg blackball, his impressions of the Negro Leagues in the average Pennsylvanian’s consciousness and, of course, Mr. Rap Dixon.

Much of this post will be in Ted’s own words, beginning with how he developed his devoted interest in the Negro Leagues.

Read the full article here: https://homeplatedontmove.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/the-lowdown-on-rap-dixon/

Originally published: December 4, 2014. Last Updated: December 4, 2014.
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