Why Cleveland?

Cleveland has been the home of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) since 1990. The baseball resources found in Cleveland are excellent, with the Murdock and Mears Collections at Cleveland Public Library, the Cleveland Press Collection at Cleveland State University, and the SABR Archives, the Frank V. Phelps Collection and the Van Oeyen Photo Archive at Western Reserve Historical Society.

Cleveland has been the home of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) since 1990. The baseball resources found in Cleveland are excellent, with the Murdock and Mears Collections at Cleveland Public Library, the Cleveland Press Collection at Cleveland State University, and the SABR Archives, the Frank V. Phelps Collection and the Van Oeyen Photo Archive at Western Reserve Historical Society.

Dr. Harold and Dorothy Seymour, for whom the award is name after, also have a Cleveland connection. Dr. Seymour taught at Fenn College (now Cleveland State University) in the 1940’s and later was vice president of the Cleveland Better Business Bureau. Dorothy attended Fenn College before graduating from Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve (now Case Western Reserve University) in 1950. She then began teaching in the Cleveland School System while studying for her master’s degree, which was awarded in 1952.

With all these Cleveland connections, it was only natural that SABR host its Seymour Medal Conference in Cleveland.

Originally published: May 23, 2003. Last Updated: May 23, 2003.
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