Wunder: One Nebraska town’s century-old connection to the Chicago Cubs

From Michael Wunder at the Waverly (Nebraska) News on October 21, 2016, with mention of SABR members Jacob Pomrenke and the late Bill Haber:

More than 30 years ago, the City of Waverly’s Rosehill Cemetery Board received a letter from a historian seeking some interesting information.

“In connection with a project being conducted by the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, I am trying to locate the closest surviving relative of a man named William Simpson Davidson,” the letter stated. “Mr. Davidson was a veteran of major league baseball.”

Those were the words written by the late Bill Haber, a notable baseball historian. The researcher was on a mission to uncover whatever information he could about an elusive former Chicago Cubs outfielder. He hoped the city could point him in the right direction.

Cubs fans in Waverly may be pleased to learn their city has a connection to a team currently battling for its first World Series appearance since 1945.

Though he only appeared in two games with the team, Bill Davidson was on the Cubs roster during the 1909 season – the year after the Cubs last won the World Series. He is buried in Waverly’s Rosehill Cemetery.

Read the full article here: http://www.wahoo-ashland-waverly.com/waverly/news/former-player-buried-in-rosehill-connects-waverly-to-cubs/article_e4a2a93e-97bb-11e6-9d00-333ca9e57058.html

Originally published: October 21, 2016. Last Updated: October 21, 2016.