Yellon: In appreciation of Bill Buckner

From SABR member Al Yellon at Bleed Cubbie Blue on May 28, 2019:

Many of the obituaries and tributes to Bill Buckner, who passed away Monday, begin or are headlined with one event: his error in the 1986 World Series for the Red Sox.

You might have noticed that I just did that, too, but I’ve got one specific reason for mentioning it. In 2006, Paul Lukas, then writing for, posted this long article about a Cubs connection to Buckner as the 20th anniversary of that World Series approached. To wit:

Bill Buckner was wearing a Chicago Cubs batting glove under his first baseman’s mitt. (And no, that’s not a Photoshop job — it’s the real deal.)

There are photos in Lukas’ article as proof that not only did Buckner wear that batting glove during the 1986 World Series, but had worn it for at least a year before that, possibly for the entire time he played in Boston.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: May 29, 2019. Last Updated: May 29, 2019.
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