Yoseloff-SABR Research Grant Success Story in the Latest ‘Outside the Lines’ Newsletter

A recent article by Dr. Michael J. Haupert in the Winter 2007 edition of Outside the Lines, newsletter of the Business of Baseball Research Committee, is a shining example of how SABR is fueling new research and ideas.

A recent article by Dr. Michael J. Haupert in the Winter 2007 edition of Outside the Lines, newsletter of the Business of Baseball Research Committee, is a shining example of how SABR is fueling new research and ideas.

Financial support to complete the research for Fair Pay for Fair Play: A Preliminary Analysis of Race-Based Wages in MLB and the Negro Leagues was made possible by a Yoseloff-SABR Baseball Research Grant.

This article serves as a preliminary study of how black and white players were paid in their segregated leagues, how those salaries compared to blue collar workers and how the salaries changed when MLB reintegrated beginning in 1947. The data available cover the years 1917-59. The article is available on www.sabr.org.

All members are eligible to apply for a 2007 SABR-Yoseloff Research Grant. The grant program is a great way to offset some of the myriad of expenses one incurs during the course of personal research projects. Because any aspect of the history of baseball is acceptable for funding from this grant program, most baseball research projects are eligible for full or partial grant funding.

A grant may be used to support research conducted by graduate students on their theses or dissertations or any other paper that is a prerequisite for an advanced degree, but not for term papers. The grant may also be used for the reimbursement of research expenses, including travel and lodging, inter-library loan fees, research fees, photocopying, telephone expenses, etc. (this list serves as a guideline and is not comprehensive in nature).

Proposals are currently being accepted for the 2007 calendar year. You must be a member of SABR to receive a Yoseloff-SABR Baseball Research grant. Deadline for proposal applications is April 30, 2007. Click here to download a grant application form.  For more information email Research Services Manager Rod Nelson  or call 800.969.7227.

Originally published: March 13, 2007. Last Updated: March 13, 2007.
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