Zuo: Under pressure: the psychology of clutch

From Miriam Zuo at The Hardball Times on August 15, 2019:

Everyone will encounter high-pressure situations in their lives, and everyone will find themselves reacting differently. Some of us thrive in such high-stakes situations while others falter. As a whole, major league players are much, much better than the average person at pulling off stunning feats under pressure. But even at this elite level, the variation in outcomes is pretty significant.

Since baseball has a measurement for virtually everything imaginable, there’s a statistic based on WPA and pLI that measures clutch. For reference, here are the most clutch position players with at least 200 plate appearances this season.

Read the full article here: https://tht.fangraphs.com/under-pressure-the-psychology-of-clutch/

Originally published: August 15, 2019. Last Updated: August 15, 2019.
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