Minor Leagues Committee: Member Interests and Research Requests

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The following is a list of SABR Minor Leagues Committee members and their research interests or expertise. If you are interested in contributing to an existing project or have any questions about a subject below, please feel free to get in touch.

This list was originally published in the October 2018 committee newsletter. It was last updated on February 11, 2019.



Strange and unique happenings in minor league history
Al Arrighi, cyberdadal@aol.com

No-hitters, triple plays, league schedules, team picture and player photos
Chuck McGill, cmcgill.vt@gmail.com

North Atlantic League, Ernest “Duke” Landgraf, minor league baseball in Wilkes-Barre, PA
George Pawlush, George.pawlush@wilkes.edu

Latin American players in the minor leagues
Juan Vene, Jbeisbol5@aol.com

Minor league teams and players in the Montreal Expos system, 1969-2004
Alain Usereau, althetiger@hotmail.com

KC Monarchs games in western Canada during the 1920s and 1930s
Jay Berman, jayandirene@aol.com

Moe Berg’s 1925 season with the Reading Keys
Brian Engelhardt, bengelhardt@comcast.net

Mexican Summer and Winter League
Edward B. Almada, Edalmada88@gmail.com

American Association, 1949-57
Dana X. Marshall, dxmarsh@hotmail.com

Toronto Maple Leafs IL, other aspects of IL, PCL, and AA
Clay Marston, claymarston@hotmail.com

New Hampshire State League with William “Bill” Thompson (African-American) playing
Clifford Otto, ottoc.bb.etc+sabr@gmail.com

Minor League teams, managers, locations, nicknames and franchise moves
Jerry Jackson, SABRMnLgs@gmail.com

Cotton States League, 1887-1955; Pine Bluff Lumbermen/Judges
Jamin Ross, Jamin_ross@yahoo.com

History of the 1948 Franklin Cubs (Virginia League)
James P. Holl, patjimholl@juno.com

1895-96 Eastern International League that had clubs in Quebec, Vermont and Upstate NY
Patrick Carpentier, ppcarpentier@compuserve.com

1937 Cape Breton Colliery League
Jim Myers, James.myers@ns.sympatico.ca

History of the Northwest League
Bob Webster, Bobwebster10@gmail.com

House of David team – 1934 team the won the Denver Post Tournament led by Satchel Paige
Geoff Griffin, Griffen_geoff@hotmail.com

19th Century Southern League
Karl Green, atlcrackersfan@gmail.com

Buffalo Bisons history
Brian Frank, herdchronicles@gmail.com

PCL in the Post World War II era to 1957
George Bullock, GBbullock@Agnesscott.edu

Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays player movement since their inception
Peter Bauck, pbauck@gmail.com

Judge William Bramham’s tenure as president of minor league baseball
Don Etheridge, wmamsbl@yahoo.com

Early years of minor league history in Miami, FL
Sam Zygner, sflasabr@hotmail.com

Game between Rome and West Virginia where a pitcher threw two pitches and got three outs (first in baseball due to the new extra-innings rule)
Tom Brown, thomasjbrownjr@gmail.com

Professional baseball in Dayton, OH
Jack Carlson, Trinityjack2@gmail.com

The Federal League
Blake Sherry, Bwsherry1979@gmail.com

Keokuk, IA minor league teams
Steve Smith, Ssmith2084@aol.com

History of Baseball in Iowa
Tim Rask, Tim.rask@mchsi.com

Semi-pro and amateur baseball in Canada and parts of the USA
Jay-Dell Mah, jdm@attheplate.com

Brian Morrison, Diamondsinthedusk@gmail.com

Portland, OR professional team history
Rock Bauer, Jrocko44@hotmail.com

1936 San Diego Padres (PCL)
Tom Larwin, Lar.11@cox.net

History of the Asheville Tourists
Bill Ballew, baseballew@bellsouth.net

Farm Clubs, 1930-62
Bill McMahon, mcmahon@uakron.edu

The most unique and bizarre moments in minor league history
Tim Hagerty, hagertytd@gmail.com

Early Canadian minor leagues
Martin Lacoste, Martlaco1@rogers.net

Arizona League history/record book
Chuck Johnson, Mjohns2@cox.net

Gus Munch, the 1897 Red River Valley League Red River Valley baseball history
Jeff Bozovsky, jeffbozovsky@yahoo.com

Early years of minor league baseball in Arkansas
Mark Williamson, mwillsve@att.net 

Pre-1930 minor league farm clubs; history of the New York Yankees farm system
John Cronin, jcroninjr@verizon.net    

Major leagues in Michigan in the late 1880s and 1890s; the barnstorming Page Fence Giants
Mitch Lutzke, lutzke4727@aol.com



Statistical database of minor league baseball
Pat Doyle, bbdata14@gmail.com

Add data from Triple-A World Series to collected data, 1903 to present; Dixie Series data
Bob Bailey, bobbailey@cox.net

Minor league bio and team data, first decade of the 20th century
G. Reed Howard, reedhoward@verizon.net

Collecting box scores and rosters from 1856 to 1893
Charles “Newton” Weaver, Vette-99@verizon.net

Comprehensive database of minor league statistics
Cliff Blau, cliff@cliffblau.com

Compilation of minor league statistics, pre-1950
Sean Lahman, Seanlahman@gmail.com

Incomplete Stats from 1957-1963
Tim Tucker, lgravy@triad.rr.com

Compilation of game logs for minor league seasons
Bob Kistler, Bkistler60@verizon.net

Statistical records of the Columbus (Ohio) professional team, 1867 to present
Chris Gallutia, cgallutia@yahoo.com

Minor league pitching, concentrating on winning pitchers with high ERAs or high WHIPs
Jim Trout, Troutjw08@aol.com

Missing stats from the low minors in the 1940s
Richard K. Tharp, Rtharp1@comcast.net

Independent team records; South Dakota minor league teams; Stadiums
Dave Kemp, davekemp@midconetwork.com

Unassisted triple plays
Will Christenson, baseballtruth@dslextreme.com

All players with 1,400 hits, 140 home runs or 140 walks
Jamie Selko, jamieselko@gmail.com

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