Bibliography Guide No. 10: Baseball in History Journals (1980-1988)

SABR Bibliography Committee
Research Guide No. 10: Baseball in History Journals (1980-88)

Editor’s note: This guide was first published by the SABR Bibliography Committee in 1989. To download the original in PDF form, click here.

By Jim Sumner
April 1989

This guide consists of all the articles I could find on baseball history published in history perlodicals from 1980 through 1988. I’ve not included baseball fiction or criticism of baseball fiction. I have included some criticism of baseball non-fiction. I’ve left out SABR publications, whlch have been recently indexed. I’ve also left out such periodlcals as The Sporting News and Sports Illustrated for obvious reasons. I’ve also omitted other publicatlons that I do not have access to. An imperfect system to be sure, but the best I could do. I’m sure I’ve missed relevant articles, particularly those in local historical journals. If you know of any such omissions write me and I’ll put in the next volume, whenever that may be. I do hope to do this on a regular basis. In those instances where I have incomplete information, I’ve put down what I have.

A word about Baseball History. After two years and eight volumes as a quarterly, this periodical became an annual with a target date of October. The first annual issue, called the Premier Edition, came out in December 1988, with, for whatever reasons, a 1989 copyright date. I’ve cited articles from that issue as Premier Edition, with no date.


Adelman, Melvin L. “The First Baseball Game, the First Newspaper References to Baseball and the New York Club: A Note on the Early History of Baseball.” Journal of Sport History, 7 (Winter 1980). 132-135.

Altherr, Thomas L. “The Most Summery, Bold, Free and Spaclous Game”, Charles King Newcomb and Philadelphia Baseball, 1866-1871.” Pennsylvania History, 52 (April 1985), 69-85.

Anderson, Harry H. “The Ancient Origins of Baseball in Milwaukee.” Milwaukee History. 6 (Summer, 1983), 42-57.

Banks, James. “Flying Feet: The Life and Times of Cool Papa Bell. The Fastest Runner Baseball Has Ever Known.” Baseball History. 1 (Fall 1986), 39-50.

Barbour, James and Dowling, William C. “The Death of the Game In Contemporary Baseball Literature.” Midwest Quarterly, 27 (Sprlng 1986). 341-360. Focuses on Ball Four.

Baldassaro, Lawrence. “Ted Williams: The Reluctant Hero.” Journal of American Culture, 4 (Fall 1981), 61-74.

Beirne, Gerald. “Baked Beans.” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987). 64-70. An all-star team of former Boston Braves.

Biale, Albert F. “Eureka County High School’s Flrst Baseball Game: 1918.” Northeastern Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 83 (Autumn 1983), 151-153.

Bluthardt, Robert F. “Fenway Park and the Golden Age of the Baseball Park, 1909-1915.” Journal of Popular Culture, 21 (Summer 1987), 43-52.

Bouchier, Nancy and Robert Knight Barney. “A Critical Examination of a Source on Early Ontario Baseball: The Reminiscences of Adam E. Ford.” Journal of Sport History, 15 (Spring 1988). 75-90.

Bowman, Larry. “Moses Fleetwood Walker: The First Black Major League Baseball Player.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 61-74.

Brandmeyer, Gerald A. “Baseball and the American Dream: A Conversation With Al Lopez.” Tampa Bay History, 3 (Spring-Summer 1981), 48-73.

Briley, Ron. “Amlty ls the Key to Success: Baseball and the Cold War.” Baseball History, 1 (Fall 1986), 4-19.

Briley, Ron. “It Was 20 Years Ago Today: Baseball Responds to the Unrest of 1968.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 81-94.

Broeg, Bob. “Reminiscences of Seasons Past.” Baseball History, 1 (Fall 1987), 72-88.

Busch, Thomas S. “In Search of Victory: The Story of Charles Victor (Victory) Faust.” Kansas History, 6 (No. 2, 1983), 96-109.

Busch, Thomas S. “Sunflower Stars: Big Leaguers From Kansas.” Kansas History, 1988.

Cannon II, Kenneth L. “Deserets, Red Stockings and Out of Towners: Baseball Comes of Age in Salt Lake CIty.” Utah Historical Quarterly, 52 (Spring  1984), 136-157.

Clifton, Merritt. “Baseball In the Berkshlres: The “Flops” Phillips Story.” Baseball History, 2 (Sprlng 1987), 20-33.

Clifton, Merritt. “Whlskey Jack Blshop: The Sinner Redeemed.” Baseball History, Premier Edltlon, 95-101.

Cole, Terence. “Baseball Above and Below Zero: The National Pastime In Alaska.” Alaska Journal, 13 (No. 3, 1983), 129-135.

Covlngton, James W. “The Chicago Cubs Come to Tampa.” Tampa Bay History, 8 (Spring-Summer 1986), 38-46.

Cox, James A. “When the Fans Roared “Slide. Kelly, Slide!” At the Old Ball Game.” Smithsonian, 13 (July 1982), 120-131. On Mike “King” Kelly.

Crepeau, Richard. “Baseball Immortality … Ray Dandridge.” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987), 63-64.

Crepeau, Richard. “Not the Cincinnati Reds: Anti-Communism in Recent Baseball Literature.” Arete: The Journal of Sport Literature, 1 (Fall 1983), 87-97.

Crepeau, Richard. “Pearl Harbor: A Failure of Baseball?” Journal of Popular Culture, 15 (Spring 1982), 67-74.

Crepeau, Richard. “The Jake Powell Incident and the Press: A Study in Black and White.” Baseball History, 1 (Summer 1986), 32-46.

Daniels, Robert. “1927: The Year the Mud Hens Won the Pennant.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 59 (Winter 1987), 16-20.

Diedrick. James. “Ring Lardner’s Mlchlgan.” Michigan History, 69 (March/April 1985), 32-39.

Felber, Bill. “Hit ‘er Up Again, Boston!” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987), 20-31. The 1897 National League race.

Felber, Bill. “Under Pallor, Under Shadow.” The 1920 American League pennant race. Baseball History, Premier Edition, 29-36.

Foster, Mark S. “Foul Ball: The Cleveland Spiders’ Farcical Final Season of 1899.” Baseball History, 1 (Summer 1986), 4-14.

Franks. Joel. “The Callfornia League of 1886-1893: The Last Refuge of Disorganized Baseball.” Californians, 6 (May/June 1988), 50-56.

Franks, Joel. “Sweeney of San Francisco: A Local Boy Makes Good, Then Not So Good.” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987), 52-62. On Charlie Sweeney.

Frell, Ellen. “Waite Hoyt: The Broadcast Years in Cinclnnati.” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988), 3-12.

Gelber, Steven M. “Working at Playing: The Culture of the Workplace and the Rise of Baseball.” Journal of Social History, 17 (Summer 1983), 3-22.

Gelber, Steven M. ” ‘Their Hands Are All Out Playlng.’ Business and Amateur Baseball, 1845-1912.” Journal of Sport History, 11 (Spring 1984). 5-27.

Gerlach. Larry R. “Augle Donatelli: Umpire and Union OrganIzer.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 1-11.

Gerlach, Larry R. “The Best In the West? Corinne, Utah’s First Baseball Champion.” Utah Historical Quarterly, 52 (Spring 1984), 108-135.

Gershman, Michael. “A Century of Baseball Cards.” Baseball History, 2 (Fall 1987), 21-27.

Gluck, Leonard Jay. “The Team That Couldn’t Wait Til Next Year, The Burlington Athletics.” Vermont History, 45 (Summer 1987), 145-154.

Grimm. Joe. “The Next Best Thing to Playing Shortstop.” Chronicle, The Quarterly Magazine of the Historical Society of Michigan, 20 (Sprng 1984), 2-7.

Harrison. Walter L. “Six-Pointed Diamond: Baseball and American Jews.” Journal of Popular Culture, 15 (Winter 1981), 112-118.

Hellman, Robert B. “Ty Cobb: The Hero and His Warts.” American Scholar, 53 (Autumn 1984). 541-546. Review essay of Charles Alexander’s biography of Cobb.

Henderson, Cary S. “Los Angeles and the Dodger War, 1957-1962.” Southern California Quarterly, 62 (Fall 1980), 261-289.

Hines, Thomas S. “Housing, Baseball, and Creeping Socialism: The Battle of Chavez Ravine, Los Angeles, 1949-1959.” Journal of Urban History, 8 (Spring 1982), 123-143.

Holway, John B. “Papa Chet, Monarch of Los Angeles: An Interview With Chet Brewer.” Baseball History, 1 (Spring 1986), 52-69.

Holway, John B. “The Odds Against Boggs.” Baseball History, 2 (Spring 1987), 6-18.

Howard. Eugene A. “Personal Recollections of Milwaukee County Park Stadium, 1924-1960.” Milwaukee History, 5 (Spring-Summer 1982), 2-43.

Hugo, William F. “The 1876 Cincinnati Red Stockings: Charter Members of the New National League.” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988), 59-64.

Ingraham, Jim. “The Magnificent Career and Tragic Death of Addie Joss.” Baseball History, 1 (Summer 1986), 15-31.

Jennings, S.E. “As American as Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet: The Desegregation of Little League Baseball.” Journal of American Culture, 4 (Winter 1981), 81-91.

Kirsch, George B. “Baseball Spectators, 1855-1870.” Baseball History, 2 (Fall 1987), 4-20.

Kirsch, George B. “The Rise of Modern Sports: New Jersey Crlcketeers, Baseball Players, and Clubs, 1845-1860.” New Jersey History, 101 (Spring-Summer 1983), 53-84.

Kull, Andrew. “Baseball’s Greatest Pitcher.” American Heritage, 36 (April-May 1985), 102-108. On Charles “Old Hoss” Radbourn.

Langford, Walter. “How Carl Hubbell Reached the Majors.” Baseball History, 2 (Spring 1987), 52-56.

Langford, Walter. “Reminisclng With Riggs Stephenson.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 75-80.

Lawler, Joseph. “Baseball Literature 1985: A Survey.” Baseball History, 1 (Fall 1986), 51-71.

Lawler, Joseph. “Baseball Literature 1986: A Survey.” Baseball History, 2 (Spring 1987), 34-51.

Lawler, Joseph. “Baseball Literature 1987-1988: A Survey.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 115-130.

Lawson. Steven F. “Ybor City and Baseball: An Interview With Al Lopez.” Tampa Bay History, 7 (Fall/Winter 1985), 59-76.

Levine, Peter. “A.G. Spalding: Baseball’s Barnum.” Timeline, 2 (August-September 1985), 2-17.

Levy, Ruth Bear. “Recollections of Lefty Grove: Baseball’s Greatest Lefthanded Pitcher, Part I.” Maryland Historical Magazine, 82 (Summer 1987), 165-176.

Levy, Ruth Bear. “Recollections of Lefty Grove, Part II.” Maryland Historical Magazine, 83 (Summer 1988), 127-141.

Lewis, Michael. “Moe Berg’s Japanese Reflections.” Baseball History, 2 (Spring 1986), 57-64.

Lewis, Robert M. “Cricket and the Beginnings of Organized Baseball in New York City.” The International Journal of the History of Sport, 4 (December 1987), 315-332.

Lindberg. Richard. “The Chicago Whales and the Federal League of American Baseball, 1914-1915.” Chicago History, 10 (Spring 1981), 2-12.

Lippmann, David H. “Royal Rooters and Dropped Flies.” Baseball History, 2 (Fall 1987), 28-44.

Lowry, Philip J. “The Night the Lights Didn’t Go Out in Georgia.” Baseball History, 1 (Winter 1986), 46-62.

McClure II, Arthur F. “The Last Game of the “Iron Horse”: Lou Gehrig in Kansas City.” Gateway Heritage, 3 (Fall 1982), 30-37.

McGinty, Brian. “The Old Ball Game.” Pacific Historian, 25 (Spring 1981), 13-25. Nineteenth century baseball in California.

Marazzi, Rich. “Al Schact, “The Clown Prince of Baseball.” Baseball History, 1 (Winter 1986), 34-45.

Marshall, William J. “A.B. Chandler as Baseball Commissioner, 1945-1951: An Overview.” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 82 (Autumn  1984), 358-388.

Maxwell, James A. “Shine Ball.” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988). 20-24. Originally published in the New Yorker, October 7, 1950.

Melster, Mark J. “The Championship Season: The Port Hurons of 1882.” Chronicle, The Quarterly Magazine of the Hlstorical Soclety of Michigan, 17 (Sprlng 1981), 18-21.

Mliler, Richard and Rhodes, Gregory C. “The Life and Times of the Old Clncinnati Ballparks.” Queen Clty Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988), 25-41.

Millier, Brett. “Dusty Rhoads.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 13-17.

Mott, Morrls. “The First Pro Sports League on the Prairies: The Manitoba Baseball League of 1886.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport, 15 (December 1984), 62-69.

Murdock, Eugene. “Joe and Luke: The Sewell Story.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 37-48.

Murdock, Eugene. “Musings of a Baseball Oral Historian.” Baseball History, 1 (Spring 1986), 70-82.

Murphy, E.C. “The Other Team.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 83 (Fall 1983). 154-155. Early Nevada high school baseball.

Myrick, Clarina. “The Unsung Champions: Baseball Players in the Black Leagues.” Negro Heritage, 21 (November-December 1981), 44-46.

Nardinelli, Clark. “Judge Kenesaw Mountaln Landis and the Art of Cartel Enforcement.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 103-114.

Nealon. Clark. “The Campaign for Major League Baseball In Houston.” Houston Review, 7 (No. 1, 1985), 3-46.

Neilson, Brlan James. “Dialogue With the City: The Evolution of Baseball Parks.” Landscape, 29 (No. 1, 1986), 39-47.

Newcomb, John Timbermann. ” ‘Say it Ain’t Snow, Joe’: On the White Mythology of Amerlcan Baseball.” South Atlantic Quarterly, 85 (Summer 1986), 297-300.

Newton, E. James. “William (Judy) Johnson: Delaware’s Folk Hero of the Diamond.” Negro History Bulletln, 143 (October-November 1980), 91, 94.

Noble, Richard E. “Saving Face: The Genesls of the Catcher’s Mask.” Baseball History, 2 (Fall 1987), 45-49.

Norris, Frank. “San Diego Baseball: The Early Years.” Journal of San Diego History, 30 (Winter 1984), 1-13.

Palmer, Willlam. “History, Tradition, and Hubris: The Baseball Universe of Roger Angell.” Journal of Popular Culture, 20 (Fall 1986), 17-27.

Patton, Phll. “Wooden Bats Still Reign Supreme at the Old Ball Game.” Smithsonian, 15 (July 1984), 152-176.

Phillips, John C. “Race and Career Opportunities in Major League Baseball: 1960-1980.” Journal of Sport and Soclal Issues, 7 (Summer-Autumn 1983), 1-17.

Porter, David L. “Cap Anson of Marshalltown: Baseball’s First Superstar.” Palimpsest, 61 (July-August 1980), 98-107.

Powers, Thomas E. “The Page Fence Giants Play Ball.” Chronicle, The Quarterly Magazine of the Historical Society of Michigan, 19 (Spring 1983), 14-19. A black team in Michigan during the 1890s.

Rabinowltz, Bill. “Baseball and the Great Depression.” Baseball History, Premier Edition, 49-59.

Rader, Benjamin G. “Compensatory Sport Heroes: Ruth. Grange and Dempsey,” Journal of Popular Culture, 16 (Spring 1983), 11-22.

Regalado, Samuel J. “The Minor League Experience of Latin American Baseball Players in Western Communities, 1950-1970.” Journal of the West, 26 (January 1987), 65-70.

Regalado, Samuel J. “Baseball In the Barrios: The Scene In East Los Angeles Since World War Two.” Baseball History, 1 (Summer 1986), 47-59.

Riess. Steven A. “Professional Baseball and Social Mobility.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 11 (Autumn 1980), 235-250.

Ripley, John W. “Baseball’s Greatest Song.” American Heritage, 34 (June-July 1983), 76-79. On “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”

Roberts, Frederic. “A Myth Grows In Brooklyn: Urban Death. Resurrection and the Brooklyn Dodgers.” Baseball History, 2 (Summer 1987), 4-26.

Roberts, Randy. “Baseball Myths and American Realities.” Reviews in American History, 10 (March 1982), 141-145. Review essay of Stephen Riess, Touching Base; Richard Crepeau, Baseball: America’s Diamond Mind; and Lowenfish and Lupien, The Imperfect Diamond.

Roden, Donald. “Baseball and the Quest for National Dignity In Meiji, Japan.” American Historical Review, 85 (June 1980), 511-534.

Roland. Charles R, “Happy Chandler.” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 85 (Spring 1987), 138-161. Some coverage of Chandler’s baseball career.

Rosenberg, Norman L. “Here Comes the Judge: The Origins of Baseball’s Commissioner System and American Legal Culture,” Journal of Popular Culture, 20 (Spring 1987), 129-146.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr. “You Could Look It Up.” Virginia Quarterly Review, 51 (Spring 1981), 334-40. The importance of statistics in baseball.

Ruck, Rob. “Black Sandlot Baseball: The Pittsburgh Crawfords.” Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 66 (January 1983), 49-68.

Rutledge, Wanda. ” ’36 Historlcal Flashback: Baseball’s First Olympic Exhibition.” The Olympian, 10 (February 1984), 28-29.

Salvatore, Victor. “The Man Who Didn’t Invent Baseball.” American Heritage, 34 (June-July 1983), 65-67. An examination of the Doubleday myth.

Schacht, Michael A. “Reflections on Baseball and Its Passing Heroes.” Baseball History, 2 (Summer 1987), 61-66.

Schmandt, Raymond H. “The Pastor of Loretto, Pennsylvania Versus the All-American Game of Baseball.” Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 69 (January 1986), 81-87.

Seymour, Harold. “Two Titans, Two Tragedies.” Reviews in American History, 12 (December 1984), 524-528. Review essay of Eugene Murdock’s biography of Ban Johnson and Charles Alexander’s biography of Ty Cobb.

Simons, William. “Jackie Robinson and the American Mind: Journalistic Perceptions of the Reintegration of Baseball.” Journal of Sport History, 12 (Spring 1985), 39-64.

Simons, William. “The Athlete as Jewish Standard Bearer: Media Images of Hank Greenberg.” Jewish Social Studies, 44 (Spring 1982), 95-112.

Sinclalr, Robert J. “Baseball’s Rising Sun: American Interwar Baseball Diplomacy and Japan.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport, 16 (December 1985), 44-53.

Skipper, James K., Jr. “Nicknames, Folk Heroes and Assimilation: Black League and Baseball Players, 1884-1950.” Journal of Sport Behavior, 8 (1985), 100-114.

Smith, Gary N. “The St. Louis Browns.” Gateway Heritage, 4 (Summer 1983), 8-15.

Smith, Jeffrey E. “Rubber Game: Industrial Baseball in Akron.” Timeline, 3 (No. 3, 1986), 50-54.

Smith, Leverett T., Jr. “Versions of Defeat: Baseball Autobiographies.” Arete: The Journal of Sport Literature, 2 (Fall 1984), 141-158.

Smith, Ronald A. “The Rise of College Baseball.” Baseball History, 1 (Spring 1986), 23-41.

Sneddeker, Duane R. “St. Louis Baseball Hall of Famers, 1905-1935: The Charles Martin Conlon Collection.” Gateway Heritage, 7 (Summer 1986), 18-33.

Snyder, Eldon E. “Commercializing the Summer Game.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 59 (Summer 1987), 123-127.

Snyder, Eldon E. “The Boy of Summer Grows Older: Roger Kahn and the Baseball Memoir.” Baseball History, 2 (Summer 1987), 27-47.

Steinberg, Alan. “Reggie, Mickey, and the Duke.” Baseball History, 1 (Fall 1986), 20-38.

Steinberg, Alan. “The Obsession.” Baseball History, 2 (Fall 1987), 50-57.

Stern, Joseph S., Jr. “The Team That Couldn’t Be Beat: The Red Stockings of 1869.” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988). 50-58. Originally published in the Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 27 (Spring 1969).

Story, Ronald. “Jackie at the Bat,” Reviews in American History, 13 (March 1985), 118-122. Review essay of Tygiel’s Baseball’s Great Experiment.

Story, Ronald. “The Greening of Sport: Jackson, Dempsey, and Industrlal Amerlca.” Reviews in American History, 8 (September 1980), 386-392. Revlew essay of Gropman, Say It Ain’t So, Joe!, and Roberts, Jack Dempsey.

Suesdorf, A.D. “Too Much Johnson.” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987), 32-51. Walter Johnson in the minors.

Sumner, Jlm. “Baseball at Salisbury Prison Camp.” Baseball History, Premier Edltlon, 19-27. A Confederate Civil War prison camp.

Sumner, Jim. “The North Carolina State Professional Baseball League of 1902,” The North Carolina Historical Review, 64 (July 1987), 247-273.

Sweeney, Tom. “The World’s Greatest Outflelders.” Mlnnesota History, 50 (Vol. 1, 1986), 18-22. Growing up in Minneapolis in the 1930s.

Thomas, David and Thomas, Marc. “Leander Burnett: Saga of an Athlete.” Michigan History, 70 (January/February 1986), 12-15.

Thompson, Stephen I., and Ikei, Masaru. “Victor Starfin: The Blue-Eyed Japanese.” Baseball History, 2 (Winter 1987), 4-19. Baseball in Japan between the World Wars.

Thorn, John. “The Old Ball Game.” American Heritage, 34 (June/July 1983), 69-75.

Trachtenberg, Leo. “Pete Sheehy: A Last Interview.” Baseball History, 1 (Winter 1986), 28-33.

Trachtenberg, Leo. “The Travails of Mlller Hugglns.” Baseball History, 2 (Summer 1987), 48-59.

Trimble, William F. (ed.) “The Baseball Letters of John K. Tener.” Western Pennsvlvania Hlstorical Magazlne, 65 (April 1982), 167-177.

Tyglel, Jules. “Playlng by the Book: Baseball History in the 1980s.” Baseball History, 1 (Winter 1986), 6-17.

Tygiel, Jules. “The Court-Martlal of Jackle Roblnson.” American Herltage, 35 (August/September 1984), 34-39.

Vernon, John and Wood, Richard. “Baseball, Bubblegum, and Business: The Making of an Archives Exhibit.” Prologue, 17 (Summer 1985), 79-91. A baseball exhibit at the National Archives.

Voigt. David Q. “From Chadwick to Chipmunks.” Journal of American Culture, 7 (Fall 1984), 31-37.

Voigt, David Q. “They Shaped the Game: Nine Innovators of Major League Baseball.” Baseball History, 1 (Spring 1986), 5-22.

Wagner, Eric, “‘Baseball in Cuba,” Journal of Popular Culture, 18 (Summer 1984), 111-120.

Walker, Robert Harris. “Gene Ruehlmann and Bob Howsam: Designing a Riverfront Wlnner,” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1982), 42-49.

Ward, Harry M. “Richmond Sports at Flood Tide: Mayo Island, 1921-1941.” Virginia Cavalcade, 34 (Spring 1985), 182-191.

Washburn, Pat. “New York Newspapers and Robinson’s First Season.” Journalism Quarterly, 58 (Winter 1981), 640-644.

Wetmore, David. “Yaz.” American Scholar, 53 (Summer 1984) 396-400.

Wheeler, Lonnle and Baskln, John. “In the Shadows: Cincinnatl’s Black Baseball Players.” Queen City Heritage, 46 (Summer 1988), 13-19.

Wiggins. David K. “Wendell Smlth, The Pittsburgh Courler-Journal and the Campaign to Include Blacks in Organized Baseball, 1933-1945.” Journal of Sport History, 10 (Summer 1983), 5-29.

Williams, Nudie E. “Footnote to Trivia: Moses Fleetwood Walker and the All-American Dream.” Journal of American Culture, 11 (Summer 1988), 65-72.

Zang, Davld. “A Dress Rehearsal for Night Baseball.” Clnclnnatl Hlstorical Society Bulletin, 39 (Sprlng 1981), 109-112.

Zingg, Paul F. “Dlamond In the Rough: Baseball and the Study of Sports History.” History Teacher, 19 (May 1986), 385-404.


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