Bibliography Guide No. 13: A Subject Index to “The Dope Book, 1942-85”

SABR Bibliography Committee
Research Guide No. 13: A Subject Index to The Dope Book, 1942, 1948-85

Editor’s note: This guide was first published by the SABR Bibliography Committee in 1991. To download the original in PDF form, click here.

By Bob McConnell
February 1991

The Dope Book was published in 1942 and from 1948 thru 1985. It was published by The Sporting News.

The 1942 edition was devoted entirely to major league playing records as compiled by Leonard Gettelson. ONE FOR THE BOOK, which was first published in 1949, was a continuation of the 1942 Dope Book.

The Dope Book from 1948 thru 1985 was of an entirely different format. It featured a wide spectrum of articles and statistics. Several features, such as Club Rosters and All Star Game Records, were carried yearly for many years. Many features were carried for only one year. Much of the material can be found in other pUblications. However, there is some exclusive material in The Dope Book.

The following is an index of the material in the 1948 thru 1985 editions. Authers are listed when available. Many articles did not have a byline. Some subjects are cross-referenced. However, no effort has been made to cross-rererence all applicable subjects. All events and statistics listed are for the year prior to the year of publication unless otherwise noted. All statistics listed apply to the American League and the National League unless otherwise noted.

To view the subject index to The Dope Book, click here to download the original PDF file:


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