Kenesaw Mountain Landis, A.D.Lasker and Figures in Baseball Reorganization Plan


A slide of a black-and-white photograph of a newspaper article published in the November 18, 1920 edition of The New York Times Mid-Week Pictorial Magazine, Vol. XII, No. 12, page 24. It is titled on the top: "Figures in the Baseball Reorganization Plan at Chicago". In a rectangle below is a photograph of baseball executives in suits and ties facing front behind a table, the front row seated and the rear standing. To the right of the main picture is a photo in a circle of Kenesaw Mountain Landis facing three-quarters to the front from the neck up. He has a tie and an upturned collar. Under the photograph is a caption that reads, "JUDGE KENESAW M. LANDIS, Who has been offered $50,000 a year for seven years to be head of new baseball regime." Below Landis' photograph is one of A.D. Lasker also in a circle. He is wearing a tie and a hat and is visible from the neck up. Under the photograph is the caption that reads, "A.D. LASKER, Director of the Chicago Cubs and father of the "Lasker" Plan of baseball management." Below the main image is a caption that reads, "Representatives of Clubs Launching The New League. Herewith are shown the leading figures in the movement to introduce an entirely new plan of management in baseball. Front row, left to right, are Judge McQuaid [sic], New York Nationals; Harry Frazer, Boston Americans; Colonel J. H. Ruppert, New York Americans; George Grant, Boston Nationals; John McGraw, New York Nationals; Barney Dreyfuss [sic], Pittsburgh Nationals; back row, left to right, are; W. H. Baker, Philadelphia Nationals; Charles H. Stoneham, New York Nationals; H.C. Breadon, St. Louis Nationals; William Veeck, Chicago Nationals; Charles H. Ebbets, Brooklyn Nationals; Charles A. Comiskey, Chicago Americans." Information written on the slide reads, "Judge Landis & the owners who hired him"

McGraw, John, 1873-1934; Ebbets, Charlie, 1859-1925; Comiskey, Charlie, 1859-1931
New York - NL (1883-1957); Brooklyn - NL
American League of Professional Baseball Clubs, National League of Professional Baseball Clubs
Picture Date
November 12, 1920
Baseball executives; Hall of famers; Baseball commissioners; Baseball team owners; Periodicals
International News Photos
Chicago (Ill.)
Folder Name / Binder
Slides A-Z: Laj-Lop
Media Type
Slides (photographs)
