Willie Mays June 1956 Sport Magazine Cover
A color slide of the cover of the June 1956 edition of Sport magazine featuring a full-length photograph of Willie Mays, seen batting in the batting cage. The photograph is from the first base side of the field in front of home plate. Mays is standing in the right-handed batter's box and is looking over his front (left) shoulder toward the pitcher's mound. He is holding a baseball bat with both hands over his back (right) shoulder. He is wearing a New York Giants uniform. The background shows the batting cage netting, unknown players in the dugout, the almost empty grandstand, and an unknown opposing player walking on the field. There are five headlines on the magazine cover, The bewildering world of Willie Mays by Roger Kahn, What the derby means to me by Red Smith, Is Cleveland mad at the Indians?, Jim Tatum's story, Your Big-League scrapbook the Yankees.
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