Stan Musial Approaching Home Plate After Hitting Game-Winning Home Run in 1955 All-Star Game


A slide of a black-and-white photograph of Stan Musial approaching home plate after hitting the game-winning home run in the 1955 Major League Baseball All-Star Game at County Stadium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The photograph is from above, with the camera angle consistent with the press box area. Musial is wearing a St. Louis Cardinals home uniform and cap and is seen full body, with part of his lower body obscured by an unidentified bat boy. Also pictured is umpire Al Barlick, who is looking at home plate with his back to the camera, and a second unidentified bat boy behind Barlick. Greeting Musial at home plate are some of his National League teammates and coaches. Those pictured, in approximate clockwise order, are Willie Mays (in a New York Giants uniform), Fred Haney (in a Pittsburgh Pirates uniform), Duke Snider (in a Brooklyn Dodgers uniform), Ted Kluszewski (in a Cincinnati Reds uniform), Leo Durocher (in a Brooklyn Dodgers uniform), Don Newcombe (wearing a suit with a dark jacket and gray pants), Gil Hodges (in a Brooklyn Dodgers uniform), Gene Conley (in a Milwaukee Braves uniform with a Milwaukee Braves jacket over it), Ernie Banks (in a Chicago Cubs uniform), Randy Jackson (in a Chicago Cubs uniform), Gene Baker (in a Chicago Cubs uniform), Red Schoendienst (in a St. Louis Cardinals uniform), and Frank Thomas (in a Pittsburgh Pirates uniform).

Musial, Stan, 1920-2013; Haney, Fred, 1896-1977; Mays, Willie, 1931-; Snider, Duke, 1926-2011; Kluszewski, Ted, 1924-1988; Durocher, Leo, 1905-1991; Newcombe, Don, 1926-2019; Hodges, Gil, 1924-1972; Conley, Gene, 1930-2017; Banks, Ernie, 1931-2015; Jackson, Randy, 1926-2019; Baker, Gene, 1925-1999; Schoendienst, Red, 1923-2018; Thomas, Frank, 1929-2023
St. Louis - NL (1892-); Chicago - NL
National League of Professional Baseball Clubs
Picture Date
July 12, 1955
Hall of famers; Outfielders (Baseball); First basemen (Baseball); Pitchers (Baseball); Catchers (Baseball); Shortstops (Baseball); Second basemen (Baseball); All-Star Baseball Game; Baseball umpires; Baseball managers; Home runs (Baseball); Bat boys
Milwaukee County Stadium (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Milwaukee (Wis.)
Folder Name / Binder
Slides A-Z: Min-Mz
Media Type
Slides (photographs)


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