Ted Williams Jumping with PCL San Diego Padres
A slide of a black-and-white photograph of Ted Williams in "Ted Williams: A biography of the kid" by Arthur Sampson. Williams is shown in a posed live-action shot, jumping upward to his left. Both his feet are off the ground, his left arm fully stretches above his head, and his right arm extends to his right. Only the right side of his face is visible because he is looking up at the ball in his glove. He is wearing a San Diego Padres Pacific Coast League uniform. An unidentified player is in the distance in the outfield. The photograph is credited to Wide World [Inc.] and has a caption reading, "The Schoolboy Prospect with the San Diego Padres, March, 1937." The photo may have been taken at Lane Field in San Diego, but this is uncertain. The image was later used in the Upper Deck 1992 Baseball card set, "Baseball Heroes" (card #28). See willite01_177.
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