Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I become a member of SABR?
A: Visit and choose the membership plan that best fits your needs. SABR memberships are available on annual, multi-year, or monthly subscription basis. Memberships auto-renew for your convenience. Young Professional memberships are for ages 30 and under. Student memberships are available to currently enrolled middle/high school or full-time college/university students.
Anyone can become a member of SABR. All that’s required is a love of baseball and a desire to learn more about it!
You can sign up online at the SABR Store, by calling the SABR office at 602-496-1460 during regular business hours (M-F, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. MST), or by mailing in this downloadable membership form with your payment to SABR, PO Box 1715, Milwaukee, WI 53201.
Forms of payment that we accept are: Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, check, or money order.
Q: How can I give someone a gift membership?
A: A SABR membership makes a great gift for the baseball fan in your life. Click here for more details on gift memberships. All baseball fans are welcome to join SABR.
If the gift membership is not a surprise for the recipient, simply complete the sign-up process using the recipient’s contact information and your payment information. However, if the gift membership is a surprise and you do not want the recipient to be immediately notified, please contact the SABR office for further assistance.
Note: If you are an active SABR member and wish to purchase a gift membership for the baseball fan in your life, you must log out of the website first before you can continue.
Q: What benefits do I receive as a member of SABR?
A: You’ll get three high-quality research publications a year — two issues of the Baseball Research Journal and an e-book edition of The National Pastime, our convention journal — plus web access to articles from all three publications so you can read them online any time. You’ll also receive several free e-books published by the SABR Digital Library ( throughout the year.
You get access to great members-only research resources like Paper of Record, which has complete online archives of The Sporting News back to 1886. Our online SABR Membership Directory — searchable by name, location or research interest — connects you to thousands of members who are knowledgeable in any baseball subject you can imagine. SABR members also get significant discounts on registering for our national conferences, such as the spring Analytics Conference and the summer Annual Convention.
Q: When do I start receiving SABR member benefits?
A: As soon as your membership application is processed by the SABR office, you can log into the Members’ Info page at by using your e-mail address and password. That page includes information on how to access the membership directory, how to subscribe to the SABR-L listserv, frequently asked questions, and more.
Please note that it may take about 24 hours for your membership to be processed. Then you can sign up for announcements from research committees and regional chapters, subscribe to SABR-L, and access all members-only areas of the website.
Q: How much SABR e-mail can I expect to receive?
A: Every Friday, all members receive our weekly e-newsletter called This Week in SABR. You’ll also receive e-mail announcements from your regional chapter leader to notify you of upcoming SABR events in your area. (The meeting schedule varies by chapter; some chapters may meet once a month, some meet 2-4 times a year.)
You can also sign up to receive monthly or quarterly newsletters from any of our two dozen research committees. (The publication schedule varies by committee.)
Our moderated e-mail listserv, SABR-L, is another key benefit of SABR membership, allowing members to post research questions and discuss baseball-related topics. Some say SABR-L is worth the price of a membership all by itself. Visit to learn how to subscribe and details about posting etiquette.
Q: How do I subscribe to receive the Baseball Research Journal by mail?
A: Beginning in 2024, all SABR members receive the Baseball Research Journal as an e-book edition twice annually (spring and fall). If you wish to subscribe to receive the BRJ print edition in the mail, visit and sign up for a discounted rate of $7 per issue ($11 for international members). Many past articles can also be found on our website — visit and click “Research Collection” to find the Baseball Research Journal Archives page.
Q: How do I log in to
A: You can log in to SABR’s website by visiting Or just click the Member Login button at the top-right of this screen. Use your primary e-mail address and password.
Please note: You MUST use a valid e-mail address in order to log in to the SABR system. No other username will work unless it is a valid e-mail address.
Q: How do I reset my password? What if I forgot my password?
A: If you wish to change your password, visit the Edit My Profile page. You will see a link in the center of the page that will allow you to change your password.
If you have forgotten your password, click here to have a new password sent to your e-mail address.
Q: How do I update my mailing address, phone number or e-mail address?
A: Visit the Edit My Profile page to update your contact information at any time.
Q: How do I enter my “research interests and expertise” so it shows up in the Directory?
A: In addition to changing your contact information, on the Edit My Profile page we also have a field for you to enter in your baseball research interests or subjects of expertise. An important function of the SABR Directory is so that members can find others who share their interests or who are knowledgeable about a particular subject. We encourage you to list your interests and expertise.
Q: How do I join a regional chapter or research committee?
A: All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from, or “join”, any chapter or committee.
Click the Join Group button at the top of any chapter or committee page to sign up for announcements and learn about upcoming events in your area or receive committee newsletters throughout the year.
To see a list of the chapters or committees for which you’re currently receiving announcements, click here to visit the My Groups page at You can choose to stop receiving announcements at any time by clicking “Leave Group”.
Q: How can I find out about upcoming events in my area?
A: To get timely e-mails with details about upcoming regional events, you should sign up for e-mail announcements from your local SABR chapter. Click here to find your regional chapter and sign up for announcements.
To view all upcoming SABR Events, visit our Events Calendar at This page includes information on our annual events, such as the SABR national convention, Analytics Conference, Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference, Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference, SABR/IWBC Women in Baseball Conference, Arizona Fall League Experience and SABR Day. We also include speaking engagements, book signings, and other events that may be of interest to SABR members. To add an event to our calendar, contact the SABR office.
Q: How can I search for people using the online Membership Directory?
A: Search for any member in the Directory by visiting
You can search by any member’s name, contact information or by research interest/expertise.
Q: How can I find out when my membership expires or renew my membership?
A: You can see when your membership expires or renew your membership by visiting and clicking the Renew Now button at the top of the page.
Q: How do I register for the SABR Convention?
A: You can register for any upcoming conference or convention by clicking the “Registration” button at once registration is open. Make sure to read This Week in SABR in your e-mail on Fridays to find out when registration is open and any other announcements regarding the convention. For more information on the SABR convention, visit
Q: Where can I find The Sporting News archives, Historical Black Newspapers, World Collection, and other SABR research resources?
A: Visit our Research Resources page to find links to Members-Only research resources like Paper of Record, which has digital archives of The Sporting News, the Historical Black Newspapers Collection, and the World Collection.
Q: Where can I find discount offers available to SABR members?
A: Any SABR member benefits can be found on our Members’ Only page at
Q: Where can I find organizational files, such as the Board of Directors minutes, Annual Reports or Publication Guidelines?
A: Visit the Members-Only section at to access all organizational files.
Q: Where can I post research requests?
A: Research requests can be posted on our SABR-L listserv. All SABR members can subscribe to SABR-L by visiting
Q: How do I find any other feature on the website?
A: Use the search bar at the top of any page to search for anything on
Q: Still can’t find what you’re looking for?
A: Click here to contact a member of the SABR staff who can help answer your questions. Or check out our Member Benefit Spotlight video series to learn more about SABR membership benefits.