Tyrone Brooks appointed to SABR Board of Directors

Tyrone BrooksAUGUST 9, 2024 — The SABR Board of Directors has appointed Tyrone Brooks to fill the vacant Director’s seat following Allison Levin’s election as Board Vice President this spring.

The SABR By-Laws provide that an open Director’s seat may be filled by the remaining Board members within 60 days by a 2/3 majority vote or the Board must call a special election. Brooks’s term expires at the end of the Annual Business Meeting at the 2025 SABR convention.

Brooks, who previously served on the SABR Board from 2019 to 2021, is the Senior Director of MLB’s Front Office & Field Staff Diversity Pipeline Program, which was established to identify, develop and grow the pool of qualified minority and female candidates for on-field and baseball operations positions throughout the industry. Prior to joining MLB in 2015, he worked in the Pittsburgh Pirates, Cleveland Indians, and Atlanta Braves front offices. He is also the founder of the Baseball Industry Network, which covers the full gamut of people working in industry of baseball.

Originally published: August 9, 2024. Last Updated: August 9, 2024.