500 Club

500 Club membership referral drive

Join SABR by April 30 and be part of the SABR 500 Club membership drive!

Like the legends of baseball’s exclusive 500 home run club, you’ll be part of an elite group. SABR members are passionate about the history, research, stories, and statistics of the game and now is the perfect time to join! Connect with a welcoming community of fellow baseball enthusiasts and celebrate the game you love, all while receiving some great perks.

Don’t miss your chance to step up to the plate — join the SABR 500 Club today!

Join today and receive exclusive perks!

All new annual or multi-year members who join the SABR 500 Club by April 30, 2025 will receive a custom baseball card set featuring SABR-Rucker Archive images of legendary members of the 500 home run club. Plus, you’ll be invited to an exclusive virtual social event with fellow SABR 500 Club members at the conclusion of our membership drive.

500 Club baseball card set

How did you find out about SABR?

Were you referred by a current SABR member? Make sure to recognize them by listing their name and chapter in the referral field during your membership sign-up.

Join SABR today!

Membership Benefits

  • Community
    • The opportunity to find others like yourself, while you connect and participate amongst the world’s most passionate community of baseball fans
    • Discounts on SABR events including our Annual Convention and savings on the SABR Analytics Certification program, an online, on-demand curriculum offering professional development and learning opportunities
    • Regional chapter meetings, which can include guest speakers, presentations, and trips to ballgames
    • Online member directory to connect you with an international network of baseball experts and enthusiasts
    • This Week in SABR e-newsletters every Friday, with the latest goings-on in SABR and highlighting SABR members’ research
  • Research
    • Access to SABR’s extensive archive of members-only Research Resources
    • FREE online access to the United States Collection and Historical Black Newspapers Collection via ProQuest, the Newspapers.com World Collection, and The Sporting News via Paper of Record
    • Opportunity to participate in dozens of Research Committees, from 19th Century/Origins to Negro Leagues to Women in Baseball
  • Publications
    • Over 100 e-books published through the SABR Digital Library — free to all SABR members
    • Two e-book editions of the Baseball Research Journal, which includes articles on history, biography, statistics, personalities, book reviews, and other aspects of the game.
    • E-book edition of The National Pastime, our convention journal which focuses on baseball in the region where that year’s national convention is held

That’s more than $900 in annual value and a priceless connection with a highly respected, international society of die-hard baseball fans!

Join SABR today!


The SABR 500 Club is a referral-based membership drive with the goal of welcoming 500 new SABR members between March 1 and April 30, 2025. New members who sign up for an annual or multi-year membership during the referral period will receive a custom baseball card set featuring SABR-Rucker Archive images of members of the 500 home run club. Current members who refer three or more new members during the drive, regardless of membership type, will receive their choice of a card set or SABR logo lapel pin.

Need Help?

If you need assistance signing up for a new SABR membership, please email Jessica Smyth with any questions.

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