SABR 43: Vintage 1860s Base Ball Game in Philadelphia

SABR 43 offers an alternative to Major League Baseball for convention attendees in Philadelphia.

On Saturday, August 3, the Athletics of Philadelphia will play a vintage base ball game against the Keystone Base Ball Club of Harrisburg using rules from 1864.

Please note: The new game time is at 2:00 p.m. The doubleheader should conclude around 6:00 p.m. 

The new location is Marconi Plaza, located at 13th and Oregon. From the Convention Center, this can be accessed via the southbound Broad Street (Orange) Line by getting off at the Oregon stop a block away from the park.

According to Ed Skirkie, the match will be a doubleheader and should conclude around 6 PM. “We had problems with the Parks department getting a permit for the original field, hence the location change. The time change accomodates the visiting club as they have a long trip home to Central Pennsylvania.”

For more details SABR 43, or for a complete schedule, visit

Originally published: July 19, 2013. Last Updated: April 16, 2020.