Submit your presentation abstract for 2017 SABR Analytics Conference

SABR and Baseball Info Solutions are excited to announce the call for presentations for the sixth annual SABR Analytics Conference, scheduled for March 9-11, 2017, at the Hyatt Phoenix Downtown.

The SABR Analytics Conference brings together the leading minds in baseball analytics to discuss and debate topics relevant to the quantitative analysis of the game of baseball, including aspects of innovation and technology. Past conferences have been attended by representatives from 27 MLB teams.

Submissions are open to the general public, with student presenters considered in a separate track. To be considered for a research presentation, applicants must submit a research abstract on the proposed topic for the presentation.

Research Abstracts should contain a maximum of 500 words and include the following:

  • Name of researcher(s) and title of presentation
  • Introduction (What question are you trying to answer? What is the relevance/potential impact?)
  • Methods (Description of data, methodology used in research)
  • Results (Description of specific results)
  • Conclusion (What are your findings? What recommendations can be applied to the baseball industry?)

Please send all abstracts to this e-mail address: The submission deadline for 2017 SABR Analytics Conference presentation abstracts has been extended to 11:59 p.m. MST, Wednesday, November 23, 2016. 

Please note: If your presentation abstract is selected as as semi-finalist, you will be required to submit a full research paper and register for the conference in order to be eligible for a presentation slot.

Research can be focused on any area of baseball research, including player evaluation or business practices. Submissions will be evaluated based on originality, validity, and applicability of  the research along with other relevant factors.

When submitting an abstract, the author should describe anticipated audio-visual needs if the abstract is accepted as an oral presentation. For oral presentations at the convention site, SABR will provide laptops and computer-connected projection systems. If your work will need another type of AV equipment, please let us know.

For questions, please contact Ben Jedlovec or Jacob Pomrenke. To register for the conference, or for more information, visit

  • Sign up today! Registration for the 2017 SABR Analytics Conference is available now. Click here to register! The conference is open to all baseball fans.


SABR Analytics Conference presentations timeline

  • October 19, 2016: Call for presentations begins
  • November 14: Abstracts due
  • December 1: Semi-finalists notified
  • January 2, 2017: Research Papers due (must register for conference prior to paper submission to reserve your spot
  • January 15: Finalists notified
  • March 1: Presentations due
  • March 9: Conference begins

Originally published: October 19, 2016. Last Updated: October 19, 2016.