George “Skip” Tuetken
/in /by Jacob PomrenkeGEORGE “SKIP” TUETKEN has a special interest in Rhode
Island-born major leaguers, especially little-known ones, like
Art Merewether and Joe Trimble. As a mostly retired safety
specialist/consultant, he takes pride in his sons Dave and Andy
(who conducted much of the research for this biography and
who once doubled between rungs of the Green Monster’s ladder
during a Beanpot game for UMass/Amherst). Nowadays his
biggest enjoyment comes whenever he gets to spend time with
any of his three granddaughters or with his grandson.
SABR BioProject biographies written by George “Skip” Tuetken
SABR Games Project stories written by George “Skip” Tuetken
SABR Journal Articles written by George “Skip” Tuetken
SABR Research Topics written by George “Skip” Tuetken
SABR Research Articles written by George “Skip” Tuetken
SABR Ballparks written by George “Skip” Tuetken