Carson Bigbee
It was pouring rain at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh in the waning…
Lyle Bigbee
Lyle Bigbee was an imposing figure. Six feet tall, 180 pounds…
Elliot Bigelow
At a certain point one begins to wonder how hard it really was…
Craig Biggio
While a catcher for the Seton Hall University Pirates in 1987,…
Ivan Bigler
Rookie Ivan “Pete” Bigler, wearing the uniform of…
George Bignell
George Bignell played in only four major league games, all in…
Larry Biittner
“I’m nobody’s caddy. I should be playing somewhere,”…
Steve Bilko
Steve Bilko was a heavy hitter. Baseball encyclopedias list him…
Jack Billingham
Although the 1970s Reds were famous for their great offense,…
James Billings
For nearly three decades from 1876 to 1904, J.B. Billings was…
Rich Billings
Richard Arlin Billings was born on December 4, 1942, in Detroit…