Carl Sumner

Carl Ringdahl Sumner played a brief 16 games with the 1928 Red…

Billy Sunday

In the days before radio, Billy Sunday was the most successful…
Gordie Sundin (TRADING CARD DB)

Gordie Sundin

When Gordie Sundin turned down numerous college football scholarships…

Steve Sundra

Entering the last day of the 1939 season New York Yankees’…

Jeff Suppan

During the first seven seasons of the 2000s, no team in the National…

Max Surkont

In 1942 St. Louis Cardinals’ farm director Branch Rickey singled…

George Susce

In 1955 Cleveland News sportswriter Ed McAuley noted that “[George]…

George Susce

Labeled “a right-handed Eddie Lopat ... [George Susce] was…

Sy Sutcliffe

Left-handed all the way, Elmer Sutcliffe ranks 4th in games caught…
Rick Sutcliffe (ESPN Images)

Rick Sutcliffe

“A big, hard thrower with a ton of guts, `Sut’ was never…