Allan Roth Chapter meeting recap – 8/25/2018

Members and friends of SABR’s Allan Roth Chapter met on Saturday, August 25 at the La Habra Library.

Jeff Hubbard provided an update on the chapter’s new BasebALZ program to bring baseball therapy to Alzheimer’s patients. SABR members met with two patients and discussed the 1965 season; results were very positive. Our next session will be held at the end of September.

We also discussed the recent SABR 48 convention in Pittsburgh. Attendees enjoyed the panels and noted several excellent research presentations. Dissatisfaction was expressed for the awards luncheon due to poor food and few winners in attendance.

Joe Price discussed his trip to over 100 minor-league parks where he sang the National Anthem.

Amy Essington discussed her book on the integration of the Pacific Coast League.

We viewed a DVD on the 1958 season.

The pizza was great.

— Barry Mednick

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