Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter meeting recap – 6/22/2015

Seventeen members and guests of the Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter gathered at The Original Crusoe’s Restaurant in South St. Louis on Monday, June 22, 2015.

Chapter president Brian Flaspohler called the meeting to order and reminded everyone of the upcoming Research Conference on Saturday, August 22, and hoped that anyone that would like to participate as presenters, judges, or could help in other ways would let him know by next month’s meeting.

John Schoon spoke briefly on two books that he read recently: “Baseball Maverick: How Sandy Alderson Revolutionized Baseball and Revived the Mets” by Steve Kettmann and “Billy Martin: Baseball’s Flawed Genius” by Bill Pennington.

It was noted that the chapter would be well represented at SABR 45 in Chicago with eleven members and guests registered.

Items highlighted in our ‘Today in Baseball History’ segment were the Cardinals getting 39-year-old Grover Alexander on waivers from the Cubs in 1926, the 1932 approval by the National League to have players wear numbers, Pete Rose moving past Hank Aaron for second place on the all-time hits list in 1982, and the passing of Darryl Kile in 2002.

Bob Tiemann also noted that on this date, in 1962, Stan Musial passed Ty Cobb to become the major league career leader for total bases.

There was some lively discussion on a variety of topics. First and foremost was the Cardinals/Astros computer hacking controversy and whether the Cardinals have become the Evil Empire. Also examined was the current All-Star voting process and it’s similarities to the 1957 ballot box stuffing by the Cincinnati fans. The division races, which teams were going to be buyers and sellers down the stretch, and recent revelations about Pete Rose were other topics discussed.

Bob Tiemann’s trivia topic this month was One-Time Cardinal All-Stars. Mark Stangl was the winner with a perfect score of 35 out of 35.

The next chapter meeting will be Monday, July 20th at Crusoe’s.

— Jim Leefers, Secretary

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